Unit-1: Sociology and Education
1.1 Meaning, nature and scope of sociology
1.2 Relationship between sociology and Education
1.3 Agencies of socialization (Family, peer group, school, Media, Religion
1.4 Role of Teacher in Socialisation process
1.5 Impact of Socialisation on Education
Unit-II: Culture and Education
2.1 Meaning and definitions of culture
2.2 Characteristics of culture
2.3 Dimensions of culture, cultural lag, cultural pluralism
2.4 Impact of culture on Education
2.5 Role of Education in preservation, transmission and promotion of culture
Unit-III: Social Change and Education
3.1 Meaning and factors responsible for Social change
3.2 Concept and attributes of Modernization
3.3 Social stratification, Social Mobility and Education
3.4 Education as a facilitator for social change
3.5 Social Networking its implications on social cohesion and education
Unit-IV: Democracy and Education
4.1 Concept and Principles of Democracy
4.2 Equality and equity in Education
4.3 Preamble of the Constitution in relation to Education
4.4 Role of Education in strengthening democracy and democratic citizenship
Teacher as a democrat
Unit-V: Education and National Integration
5.1 Concept, Need for National Integration
5.2 Education as an instrument for national integration
5.3 Programmes to promote National Integration and International understanding,
5.4 Peace education in schools
5.5 Social Crisis and its Management