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second semester LEARNING AND TEACHING: తెలుగు లోకం అంతర్జాల సంచిక



Unit-1: Process of Learning

1.1 Concept of learning, types of learning and factors influencing learning

1.2 Learning process: Attention, sensation, perception, and concept formation

1.3 Memory & forgetting: concept, types of memory, applicability to learning andstrategies for better management of memory.

1.4 Transfer of learning: concept, theories and types( Horizontal and Vertical)

1.5 Role of motivation in learning; methods of improving motivation

Unit-2: Behaviorist Perspectives of Learning

2.1 Trial and error - Thorndike, Laws of learning, concept and principles and classroom implications

2.2 Classical Conditioning - Pavlov, concept and principles and classroom implications

2.3 Operant Conditioning – Skinner, concept and principles and classroom implications

2.4 Compare these perspectives in terms of their merits and applicability to classroom learning

Unit-3: Cognitive and Humanist Perspectives of Learning

3.1 Cognitive perspectives of learning (insight learning – Kohler, Discovery learning - Bruner, Developmental theory of learning - Piaget, Social Learning -Bandura, constructivism – Vygotsky)

3.2 Humanist perspectives of learning (Learner centered approach – Rogers)

Unit-4: Teaching Process

4.1 Concept of teaching, teaching as a profession and teacher as a professional,teaching as an art and science

4.2 Distinction between Instruction, training and teaching

4.3 Phases of teaching: planning, execution and reflection

4.4 Role of teacher in teaching learning process: teacher as a model, facilitator,negotiator, co-learner, reflective practitioner and classroom researcher

4.5 Functions of a teacher in classroom, school and community

Unit-5: Learning Environment and Learning Engagement

5.1 Meaning of learning environment and learning engagement

5.2 Creating positive and productive environment for learning - creation of emotionally safe learning environment to increase learning

5.3 Development of emotional intelligence

5.4 Role of culture in the educative process, creating culturally responsive learning environment, create cultural congruity between home and school

5.5 Assisted performance, supervised discussion and reciprocal teaching as strategies to enhance motivation and learning

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