Unit-1: Introduction to Science and Physical Sciences
1.1 Science and Physical Sciences – Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance
1.2 Structure of Science – Syntactic Structure (Process of Science – Domain of Inquiry),Substantive Structure - Product of Science-Facts, Concepts, Theories, Laws and Principles –characteristics in the context of Physical sciences (citing examples)
1.3 Values of Learning Physical Sciences
1.4 Correlation of Physical Sciences with Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Social Studies, Languages, Fine Arts, Environment, Health, Development, Peace and Equity
1.5 Analysis of selected concepts of Physics and Chemistry from 6-10 classes
Unit-2: Development of Science - Physical Sciences
2.1 Milestones in the Development of Sciences – Physics and Chemistry
2.2 Contributions of Western and Indian Scientists
2.3 Landmarks, Status and Development Indian Science and Technology
2.4 Physical Science and Human Life
2.5 Rationale in Inspiring Students to study Physical Science
Unit-3: Aims. Objectives and competencies of Teaching Physical Sciences
3.1 Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical Sciences
3.2 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives – Bloom, Krathwohl, Simpson, et al –Revised Bloom‟s Taxonomy and Higher Order Thinking Skills
3.3 Instructional Objectives of Teaching Physical Sciences
3.4 Behavioural or Specific Objectives of Teaching Physical Sciences
3.5 Competencies for Teaching of Physical Sciences
Unit-4: Approaches, Methods and Techniques of Teaching Physical Sciences
4.1 Concept of Teaching with special reference to Physical Science – Approaches and Methods – Student Participation in Learning
4.2 Teacher-centred Methods - Lecture, Lecture-cum-Demonstration, Historical
4.3 Student-centred Methods - Heuristic, Project, Scientific and Laboratory(Illustration of each method by taking examples from specific contents of Physics andChemistry)
4.4 Modern Teaching Techniques - Brainstorming, Team Teaching and Models of Teaching – Concept Attainment Model and Enquiry Training Model
4.5 Micro teaching - Concept and Meaning, Skills of Micro teaching, Practice of
Micro teaching Skills
Unit-5: Planning for Teaching Physical Sciences
5.1 Importance of Planning for Teaching
5.2 Year Plan
5.3 Unit Plan
5.4 Period Plan (Lesson Plan) – Herbertian Steps vs. Constructivist Approach
5.5 Teaching Strategies and Academic Standards, CCE model period plan for classroom teaching