fourth semester zoology




UNIT I Animal Physiology - I

1.1 Process of digestion and assimilation

1.2 Respiration - Pulmonary ventilation, transport of oxygen and CO2

(Note: Need not study cellular respiration here)

1.3 Circulation - Structure and functioning of heart, Cardiac cycle

1.4 Excretion - Structure and functions of kidney urine formation, counter current


UN IT II Animal Physiology - II

2.1Nerve impulse transmission - Resting membrane potential, origin and

propagation of action potentials along myelinated and non-myelinated nerve


2.2Muscle contraction - Ultra structure of muscle, molecular and chemical basis of

muscle contraction

2.3 Endocrine glands - Structure, functions of hormones of pituitary, thyroid,

parathyroid, adrenal glands and pancreas

2.4 Hormonal control of reproduction in a mammal

UNIT- III Cellular Metabolism – I (Bio molecules)

3.1 Carbohydrates - Classification of carbohydrates. Structure of glucose

3.2 Proteins - Classification of proteins. General properties of amino acids

3.3 Lipids - Classification of lipids

3.4 Enzymes: Classification and Mechanism of Action

UNITIV Cellular Metabolism – II

4.1Carbohydrate Metabolism - Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport Chain,

Glycogen metabolism, Gluconeogenesis

4.2 Lipid Metabolism – β-oxidation of palmitic acid

4.3 Protein metabolism - Transamination, Deamination and Urea Cycle

Unit – V Embryology

5.1 Gametogenesis

5.2 Fertilization

5.3 Types of eggs

5.4 Types of cleavages

5. 5 Development of Frog up to formation of primary germ layers