Coordination Chemistry:IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds, Structuraland stereoisomerism in complexes with coordination numbers 4 and 6. Valence Bond Theory (VBT): Inner and outer orbital complexes. Limitations of VBT, Crystal field effect, octahedral symmetry. Crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE), Crystal field effects for weak and strong fields. Tetrahedral symmetry, Factors affecting the magnitude of crystal field splitting energy, Spectrochemical series, Comparison of CFSE for Octahedral and Tetrahedral complexes, Tetragonal distortion of octahedral geometry,Jahn-Teller distortion, square planar coordination.
1. Inorganic Reaction Mechanism: Introduction to inorganic reaction mechanisms .Concept fraction pathways,transition state,intermediate and activated complex. Labile and inert complexes, lig and substitution reactions - SN1 and SN2,Substitution reactions in square planar complexes,Trans-effect,theories of trans effect and its applications
2. Stability of metal complexes:Thermodynamic stability and kinetic stability, factors affecting the stability of metal complexes, chelate effect, determination of composition of complex by Job's method and mole ratio method.
Bio inorganic Chemistry:
Metalions presenting biological systems,classification of elements according to their action in biological system. Geo chemical effecton the distribution of metals,Sodium/K- pump,carbonican hydrase and carboxy peptidase.
Excessanddeficiencyofsometracemetals.Toxicityofmetalions(Hg,Pb,CdandAs), reasonsfortoxicity,Useof chelatingagentsinmedicine,Cisplatinasananti-cancerdrug. Ironanditsapplicationinbio-systems,Haemoglobin,Myoglobin.Storageandtransferof iron.
1 .Phase rule:Concept of phase, components, degrees of freedom. Thermodynamic derivation of Gibbs phase rule. Phase diagram of one component system - water system, Study of Phase diagrams of Simple eutectic systems i) Pb-Ag system, desilverisation of lead ii) NaCl-Water system, Congruent and incongruent melting point- Definition and examples for systems having congruent and incongruent melting point , freezing mixtures.
Electrochemistry:Specific conductance, equivalent conductance and molar conductance- Definition and effect of dilution. Cell constant. Strong and weak electrolytes,Kohlrausch's law and its applications, Definition of transport number,determination of transport number by Hittorf’s method. Debye-Huckel-Onsagar's equation for strong electrolytes (elementary treatment only), Application of conductivity measurements- conductometric titrations.
Electro chemical Cells- Single electrode potential, Types of electrodes with examples: Metal- metal ion, Gas electrode, Inert electrode, Redox electrode, Metal-metal insoluble salt- salt anion. Determination of EMF of a cell, Nernst equation, Applications of EMF measurements- Potentiometric titrations.
Chemical Kinetics: The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction, Derivation of integrated rate equations for zero, first and second order reactions (both for equal and unequal concentrations of reactants). Half–life of a reaction. General methods for determination of order of a reaction. Concept of activation energy and its calculation from Arrhenius equation. Theories of Reaction Rates: Collision theory and Activated Complex theory of bimolecular reactions. Comparison of the two theories (qualitative treatment only).