fourth semester chemistry




Amino acids and proteins :Introduction: Definition of Amino acids, classification of Amino acids into alpha, beta, and gamma amino acids. Natural and essential amino acids - definition and examples, classification of alpha amino acids into acidic, basic and neutral amino acids with examples. Methods of synthesis: General methods of synthesis of alpha amino acids (specific examples - Glycine, Alanine, valine and leucine) by following methods: a) from halogenated carboxylic acid b) Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis c) strecker's synthesis.

Physical properties: Z witter ion structure - salt like character - solubility, melting points, amphoteric character, definition of isoelectric point.

Chemical properties: General reactions due to amino and carboxylic groups - lac tams from gamma and delta amino acids by heating- peptide bond (amide linkage). Structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins.

Hetero cyclic Compounds:Introduction and definition: Simple five membered ring compounds with one hetero atom Ex. Furan. Thiophene and pyrrole - Aromatic character – Preparation from 1, 4, -dicarbonyl compounds, Paul-Knorr synthesis.Properties: Acidic character of pyrrole - electrophillic substitution at 2 or 5 position, Halogenation, Nitration and Sulphonation under mild conditions - Diels Alder reaction in furan. Pyridine – Structure - Basicity - Aromaticity- Comparison with pyrrole- one method of preparation and properties - Reactivity towards Nucleophilic substitution reaction.


Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups

Preparation, properties and important reactions of nitro compounds,amines and diazoniumsalts.

1. Nitro hydrocarbons:Nomenclature and classification-nitro hydrocarbons, structure -Tautomerism of nitroalkanes leading to aci and keto form, Preparation of Nitroalkanes, reactivity -halogenation, reaction with HONO (Nitrous acid), Nef reaction and Mannich reaction leading to Micheal addition and reduction.

2. Amines: Introduction,classification,centrality amines (pyramidal inversion),importance and general methods of preparation.Properties : Physical properties, Basicity of amines: Effect of substituent, solvent and steric effects. Distinction between Primary,

secondary and tertiaryamines using Hinsberg’s method and nitro us acid. Discussion of the following reactions with emphasis on the mechanistic pathway: Gabriel Phthalimide synthesis,Hoffmann- Bromamidereaction,Carbylamine reaction,Mannich reaction,Hoffmann’sexhaustive methylation,Hofmann-elimination reaction and Copeelimination.


Photo chemistry:Difference between thermal and photo chemical processes, Laws of photo chemistry- Grothus- Draper's law and Stark-Einstein's law of photo chemical equivalence, Quantum yield- Photo chemical reaction mechanism- hydrogen- chlorine and hydrogen- bromine reaction. Qualitative description of fluorescence, phosphorescence, Jablonski diagram, Photo sensitized reactions- energy transfer processes (simple example).

Thermodynamics:The first law of thermodynamics-statement, definition of internal energy and enthalpy, Heat capacities and their relationship, Joule-Thomson effect- coefficient, Calculation of work for the expansion of perfect gas under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible processes, State function. Temperature dependence of enthalpy of formation- Kirchoff s equation, Second law of thermodynamics Different Statements of the law, Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot theorem, Concept of entropy, entropy as a state function, entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes. Entropy changes in spontaneous and equilibrium processes.