Unit-1: Introduction to Science
1.1. Meaning and Functions of Science
1.2. Nature and Scope of Science
1.3. Structure of Science
1.4. Branches of Science
1.5 History of Biological Science
Unit-2: Aims and Values of Biological Science
2.1. Aims of Teaching Biological Science
2.2. Values of Teaching Biological Science
2.3. Competences of a Biological Science Teacher
2.4. Correlation of Biological Science with other school Subjects
Unit-3: Objectives of Teaching Biological Science
3.1. Meaning and Importance of objectives
3.2. Revised Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
3.3. Instructional Objectives and specifications with examples
3.4. Academics Standards mentioned in the school biological science text
Book published by government of Andhra Pradesh
Unit-4: Methods and Techniques of Teaching Biological Science
4.1 Micro Teaching Techniques
4.2 Lecture Method, lecture Demonstration Method, and Laboratory Method
4.3 Scientific Method (Inductive and Deductive Method)
4.4 Project Method
Unit-5: Planning for Teaching Biological Science
5.1 Year Plan
5.2 Lesson Plan
5.3 Period Plan (Herbartian and Constructivist approach and CCE Model)
5.4 Learning Experiences
5.5 Planning ICT Applications in Learning Biology