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third semester LEARNING ASSESSMENT: తెలుగు లోకం అంతర్జాల సంచిక



Unit-1: Perspectives on Assessment and Evaluation

1.1 Meaning of Assessment, Measurement, Tests, Examination, Appraisal, and Evaluation and their interrelationships

1.2 Purpose(s) and principles of Assessment, characteristics of quality assessment

1.3 Current thinking about learning based on Behaviorist, Cognitivist and Constructivist learning theories and their implications for classroom assessment-changing the culture of classroom assessment

1.4 Classification of assessment: based on purpose (prognostic, formative,diagnostic and summative), scope (teacher made, standardized), attribute measured(achievement, aptitude, attitude, etc.), nature of information gathered (qualitative,quantitative), mode of response (oral and written; selection and supply), nature of interpretation (self-referenced, norm-referenced, criterion- referenced) and context(internal, external)

1.5 Policy perspectives on examinations and evaluation: Recommendations in National Policies of Education and curriculum frameworks- continuous and comprehensive assessment

Unit-2: Formative and Summative Assessment

2.1 Formative Assessment (FA) meaning, purpose, essential elements (formative assessment in practice), major barriers to wider use of FA, role of students and teachers in formative assessments,

2.2 Observation, questioning, reflection on learning as strategies for using assessment in the process of learning;

2.3 Use of Projects, Assignments, Work sheets, Practical work, Performance-based activities and Reports as assessment devices; Self, Peer and Teacher assessments- use of rubrics,

2.4 Summative assessment: meaning, purpose, summative assessment in practice, use of teacher-made and standardized test

2.5 Aligning formative and summative assessments

Unit-3: Tools of Assessment

3.1 Assessment of cognitive learning: understanding and application; thinking skills–convergent, divergent, critical, problem solving, and decision making;

3.2 Selected-Response Assessment: Multiple Choice, Binary Choice, and Matching and Constructed Response Assessment: Completion, Short-Answer, and essay Items as tools-nature, advantages and limitations, guidelines for their construction and scoring

3.3 Assessment of effective learning: attitude and values, interest, self-concept; tools and procedures for their assessment; observation, interview, rating scales, check-lists,inventories as tools/techniques, their uses and preparation

3.4 Assessment of Performance/ project-based assessment- meaning, characteristics, scope;using rubrics to grade a performance-based assessment

3.5 Portfolios: meaning, types, purposes, guidelines for portfolio entries and assessing portfolios

Unit-4: Planning, Construction, Administration and Reporting of assessment

4.1 Planning: Deciding on what, why and how to assess- difference between instructional,learning and assessment objectives, stating of assessment objectives , deciding on the nature and form of assessment - oral tests and written tests; open book examination; weight age to content, objectives, allocation of time; Preparation of a blue print

4.2 Construction/selection of items: writing test items/questions, reviewing and refining the items, assembling the test items; writing test directions and guidelines for administration (if any), Scoring procedure – manual and electronic;Development of Rubrics

4.3 Administration, item analysis and determining item and test characteristics; Item response analysis, ascertaining student needs, identifying student interests and feeding forward for improving learning

4.4 Analysis and Interpretation of Students‟ Performance Processing test data: graphical representations; calculation of measures of central tendency and variability, and derived scores- percentiles, percentile rank, percentage score, grade point averages, z-scores; and Frame of reference for interpretation of assessment data: norm-referenced, criterion-referenced and self-referenced ie., relative and absolute interpretation;

4.6 Reporting Student Performance – content and formats; Progress reports,Cumulative records, Profiles, and Open house; Using feedback for reporting to different stakeholders – students, parents, and administrators

4.7 Use of Feedback for teachers‟ self-improvement and curriculum revision

Unit-5: Issues, Concerns and Trends in Assessment and Evaluation

5.1 Existing Practices: Class/Unit tests, half- yearly and annual examinations, Board examinations and Entrance tests, State and National achievement surveys; Management of assessment and examinations; Use of question bank

5.2 Issues and Problems: Marking Vs Grading, Non-detention policy, Objectivity Vs Subjectivity; Impact of entrance test and public examination on teaching and learning –the menace of coaching.

5.3 Trends in assessment and evaluation: Online examination, Computer-based examination and other technology based examinations Standards- based assessment – international practices

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