Unit-1 Normative Vision of Indian Education: Indian Constitution
1.1 Constitution of India Basic Features
i.Fundamental Rights
ii. Directive principles of state policy
iii.Federal Structure
1.2 Preamble of the Constitution :
The ideals i.Sovereign Nation
ii. Democratic and Secular polity
iii.Liberty equality and fraternity
iv. Justice : Social, Economic and political
Unit- 2 Education as Fundamental Right
2.1 Human Rights; Meaning Nature , and Classification;
2.2 Right of Children : International convention and Indian Constitution; Education as Fundamental Right of Children-2009
2.3 Issues in Implementing RTE-2009: A critical understanding
i. Issues that affect and negate the children‟s right to education (Child Labor:Street children, abandoned and orphans)
ii. Differently abled children: Attitude towards the girl child and her participation in schooling, punishment, abuse and violence in Schools).
Unit-3 Contemporary Indian Schooling: Concerns and Issues
3.1 Equality of Educational Opportunity : Meaning and nature : Forms of inequality: Religion, Regional, Caste, Gender and other marginalized groups.
3.2 Inequality in Schooling: Public – Private schools , Rural – urban schools, Mass- elite schools , single teacher schools and many other forms of in-equal school systems.Critical understanding of Paradox of Equal opportunity and in-equal schooling: positive discrimination ; concept and issues and policy interventions.
3.3 Schooling: Quality concerns and issues
i.Universal access
ii. Universal Enrollment
iii. Universal retention
iv. Universal success
Unit-4 Understanding Exclusion in schooling
4.1 Exclusion: Meaning and Nature
4.2 Forms of Exclusion: a) physical / Psychological Exclusion
4.3 Different types of differently abled children: Nature of problems and their impact on learning
4.4 Measure to address the issue of learning of differently abled children and professional preparedness of Institutions;
4.5 Socio-cultural and economic exclusion: Understanding different forms of socio- culture and economic exclusion in schooling – Caste, Class, Gender, Minority, and other Marginalized sections of the society.
Unit- 5 Secondary Education: Concerns and Issues
5.1 Secondary School stage: its linkages with primary and higher secondary stages of education;
5.2 Aims of Secondary School Stages of Education
5.3 Universalisation of Secondary School stages of Education: Its Status
i. Quantitative expansion , Qualitative consolidation and Equity perspective –A sociological understanding;
ii. Issues in Secondary school stages of Education :Privatization,Vocationalization
iii. Reforms in Secondary School Stages Education: Curricular , Pedagogical and
5.4 Rashtriya Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA): Goals and policy intervention
for Quality Secondary School Stages of Education