Unit-1: Teaching and Learning of Geography and Economics
1.1 Fundamental concepts of Geo morphology - Latitudes, longitudes, earth movements, climatology, temperature, pressure, wind, humidity; Hydrology and Oceanography – Hydro logical Cycle, Ocean and Ocean deposits
1.2 Indian Geography-Political divisions, Rivers and Land forms
1.3 Meaning, Nature and Scope of Economics; Key concepts in Economics
1.4 Classification of Economic Systems
1.5 Teaching strategies of geography and economics
Unit-2: Unit-VII: Teaching Learning of History and Political Science
2.1 Periodisation of World History, Indian History – Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary society with special reference to Secondary School SocialStudies Textbooks
2.2 Capitalism, Democracy and Citizenship – American and French Revolutions
2.3 Nature and Scope of Political Science; Key concepts and current trends
2.4 Indian Constitution – Fundamental Rights and Duties; Organs of Government Legislature,Executive and Judiciary
2.5 Teaching Strategies of Teaching History and Political Science
Unit-3: Social Science Curriculum
3.1 Curriculum – Meaning, Nature and Scope
3.2 Principles of Social Sciences Curriculum Construction
3.3 Approaches of organizing social studies curriculum – concentric, spiral,chronological, topical and correlation
3.4 Qualities and Characteristics of Good Social Science Textbook
3.5 Analysis of Social Science Textbook of State Board and CBSE
Unit-4: Teaching Learning Material in Social Sciences
4.1 Need and significance of Teaching Learning Material in Teaching Social Sciences
4.2 Globe and Maps – Types of Maps – Map Language, Map Reading and Map Making
4.3 Charts and Graphs – Types of Charts – Chronology, Tabular, Diagrammatic and Pictorial; Types of Graphs – Bar, Pie, Line and Pictorial
4.4 Models – Working, Still and Diorama
4.5 Objects, Specimens and Scrap book
Unit-5: Evaluation in Learning Social Sciences
5.1 Meaning, Nature and Characteristics of Evaluation
5.2 Forms of Evaluation
5.3 Quantitative and Qualitative Tools of Evaluation in Social Sciences
5.4 CCE Model of assessment in social sciences
5.5 Analysis and Interpretation of test scores