Unit-1: Science Curriculum and Textbooks
1.1 Curriculum - Concept and Meaning, Principles of Curriculum Construction
1.2 Different Approaches of Curriculum Organisation: Concentric, Topical,Psychological & Logical – Learner Centred curriculum
1.3 Curriculum organisation in terms of NCF-2005, RTE-2009, NCFTE-2009,APSCF-2011
1.4 Characteristics of a Good Physical Sciences Text Book
1.5 Learning Resources for Physical Science – Exploring alternative resources
Unit-2: Instructional Material for Physical Sciences Teaching
2.1 Importance of Practical Work in Physics and Chemistry
2.2 Planning and Organisation of Science Laboratories, Procurement and Care of Laboratory Equipment, Registers, Safety and First-Aid – Conduct of Laboratory experiments
2.3 Development of Improvised Apparatus for concrete and abstract concepts
2.4 ICT and multimedia resources for teaching Physical Sciences - Simulated computer based laboratory activities
2.5 Self Learning Material (SLM) – Characteristics and Functions - Preparation of Self Learning Material on one lesson – Analysis of its Effectiveness by Classroom Discussion and Preparation of SLM by each student for their classroom use
Unit-3: Lifelong Physical Sciences Learning
3.1 Science Clubs, Science Exhibition, Science Museums, Science Fairs andOlympiads
3.2 Role of Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in the Propagation of Science
3.3 Utilizing Knowledge Resources – Identification of online and offline resources
– context and challenges in Utilization
3.4 Science Communication in India – DST-NCSTC Network – National Children Science Congress, National Teachers Science Congress, Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science
3.5 Development of Scientific Temper and encouraging and inspiring students to choose science as career and to become scientists
Unit-4: Professional Development of Physical Sciences Teachers
4.1 Professional development of Physical Sciences Teachers
4.2 Participation in Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and In-service Training Programmes
4.3 Membership in Professional Organisations; Teachers as a community of learners
4.4 Role of reflective practices in professional development of physical science teachers
4.5 Teacher as a researcher: Action Research in Physical science - Learning to understand how children learn science
Unit-5: Evaluation in Physical Science
5.1 Evaluation of Learning Outcomes in Physical Sciences
5.2 Qualities of a good test - Written and Practical
5.3 Planning, Preparation and Conduct of Achievement Test in CCE model
5.4 Evaluation of Responses, Scoring and Tabulation
5.5 Analysis and Interpretation of Test Scores