Anatomy and Embryology of Angiosperms, Plant Ecology and Biodiversity
Unit – 1: Anatomy of Angiosperms
1. Organization of apical meristems: Tunica-carpus theory and Histogen theory.
2. Tissue systems–Epidermal, ground and vascular.
3. Anomalous secondary growth in Boerhaavia and Dracaena.
4. Study of timbers of economic importance - Teak, Red sanders and Rosewood.
Unit – 2: Embryology of Angiosperms
1. Structure of anther, anther wall, types of tapetum. Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte.
2. Structure of ovule, megasporogenesis; monosporic (Polygonum), bisporic (Allium) and tetrasporic (Peperomia) types of embryo sacs.
3. Types of pollination, pollen – pistil interaction and fertilization.
4. Endosperm - Types and biological importance - Free nuclear, cellular, helobialand ruminate.
5. Development of Dicot (Capsella bursa-pastoris) embryo.
Unit – 3: Basics of Ecology 12 Hrs.
1. Ecology: definition, branches and significance of ecology.
2. Ecosystem: Concept and components, energy flow, food chain, food web, ecologicalpyramids.
3. Biogeochemical Cycles (Carbon and Phosphorous)
4. Plants and environment: Climatic (light and temperature), edaphic and biotic factors.
5. Ecological succession:Hydrosere and Xerosere.
Unit – 4:Population, Community and Production Ecology 12 Hrs.
1. Population ecology: Natality, mortality, growth curves, ecotypes, ecads
2. Community ecology: Frequency, density, cover, life forms, biological spectrum
3. Concepts of productivity: GPP, NPP and Community Respiration
4. Secondary production, P/R ratio in different Ecosystems.
Unit – 5:Basics of Biodiversity 12 Hrs.
1. Biodiversity: Basic concepts, Convention on Biodiversity - Earth Summit.
2. Value of Biodiversity; types and levels of biodiversity and Threats to biodiversity
3. Biodiversity Hot spots in India. Biodiversity in North Eastern Himalayas and Western Ghats.
4. Principles and types of conservation: IUCN threat-categories, RED data book
5. Role of NBPGR and NBA in the conservation of Biodiversity.