Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to;
1. Understand the pre-requisites for starting a Dairy farm
2. Recognize different breeds of Cows & buffaloes following safety precautions.
3. Prepare and give recommended feed and water for livestock
4. Maintain health of livestock along with productivity
5. Vaccination of cattle, nutrients requirements
6. Entrepreneurship i.e., Effectively market dairy products
7. Ensure safe and clean dairy farm and Standard safety measures to be taken in establishing am industry
8. Efficiently start and manage to establish or develop a Dairy Industry
Section I (Introduction and Establishment of a Dairy Farm):
1.1 Dairy development in India – Dairy Cooperatives (NDRI, NDDB, TCMPF)(1hr)
1.2 Constraintsof Present Dairy Farmingand Future Scope of Dairy Farmer.
1.3 Selection of site for dairy farm; Systems of housing – Loose housing system, Conventional Dairy Farm; Records to be maintained in a dairy farm.
Section II (Livestock Identification and Management):
2.1 Breeds of Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes – Identification of Indian cattle and buffalo breeds and Exotic breeds; Methods of selection of Dairy animals.
2.2 Systems of inbreeding and crossbreeding.
2.3 Weaning of calf, Castration, Dehorning, Deworming and Vaccination programme
2.4 Care and management of calf, heifer, milk animal, dry and pregnant animal, bulls and bullocks.
Section III (Feed Management, Dairy Management, Cleaning and Sanitation):
3.1 Basic Principles of Feed, Important Feed Ingredients, Feed formulation and Feed Mixing
3.2 Operation Flood –Definition of Milk and Nutritive value of milk and ICMR recommendation of nutrients –Per Capita Milk production and availability in India and Andhra Pradesh -Methods of Collection and Storage of Milk–Labelling and Storage of milk products
3.3 Cleaning and sanitation of dairy farm – Safety precautions to prevent accidents in an industry.