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first semester introductory Quantum Mechanics: తెలుగు లోకం అంతర్జాల సంచిక


introductory Quantum Mechanics

 UNIT-I (Schrodinger wave equation and one dimensional problems) why QM?Revision;Inadequacy of classical mechanics ;Schrodinger equation;continuity equation Ehrenfest theorem;  admissible wave functions; Stationary states. One-dimensional problems, wells and barriers. Harmonic oscillator by Schrodinger equation' Learning Outcomes:S'tudentswillleamthedifferencebetweenclassicalmechanicsandquantummechanics. 

UNIT-II (Linear vector spaces and operators) Linear vector Spaces in Quantum Mechanics: vectors and operators, change of basis, Dirac's bra and let notations. Eigen value problem for operators. The continuous spectrum. Application to wave mechanics in one dimension. Hermitian, unitary, projection operators. Positive change of orthonormal basis, Orthogonality procedure' uncertainty relation' 

UNIT III (Orbital angular momentum) Angularmomentum:commutationrelationsforangularmomentumoperator'AngularMomentum in spherical polar coordinates, Eigen value problem for L2 and L'' L * and L- operators Eigen values and eigen functions of rigid rotator and Hydrogen atom Learning 

Outcomes:. leran commutations relations for angular momentum operator and its applications in daily life . Application to rigid rotatory, hydrogen-like atoms and angular momentum operators will teach the ,tud"nt. ho* to obtain eigen values and eigen states for such systems elegantly.

UNIT IV (Time-independent perturbation theory)

Time-independent perturbation theory; Non-degenerate and degenerate cases; applications to(a)normal helium atom (b) Stark effect in Hydrogen atom. Variation method. Application to ground state of Helium atom, WKB method.

UNIT V (Time dependent perturbation theory)

Time dependent perturbation: General perturbations, variation of constants, transition into closely spaced twels -Fermi's Golden rule. Einstein transition probabilities, interaction of an atom with the electromagnetic radiation. Sudden and adiabatic approximation'

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